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Contact us 0800 368 7694 or +44 203 286 6824 or [email protected]

If you’re thinking about engaging us as education consultants, you may have some questions before you pick up the phone or email us:

Q: What information will you need from me when I contact you?
A: Your name and contact details; your child’s name and date of birth; a brief outline of what you need help with; and some thoughts on what matters most to you in terms of their education.

QWho are the education consultants?
A: Our education consultants are our most experienced school reviewers. All are parents. Most have a professional background in education and/or a great range of educational experience. You can see all our consultants by clicking on this link Who We Are.

QHow quickly will the consultant contact me?
A: Your initial call or email will be answered by our administrator, who will take your basic details and allocate you the consultant best suited to your needs. Normally, you will hear from the consultant within minutes but always within 24 hours.

Q: When is payment taken?
A: Our administrator will take your credit card details at the point when you ask us to allocate you a consultant. But it is only when you and the consultant agree that the service will proceed that your fee is deducted from your card and we always notify you before this happens.

QAre consultants available over the weekend?
A: All our consultants try to be flexible and we can always fit in with your timetable or take part in virtual meetings or conference calls.

QCan I meet with the consultant?
A: Absolutely. This is usually possible and, depending on where you and the consultant are, we can travel to meet you subject to prior arrangement. Travel costs outside London will only be charged if a consultant needs to travel more than 30 minutes to meet you.

Q: Do the consultants only recommend independent schools?
A: Certainly not! In fact, if you are only interested in state schools, we have a special state school service State School Service

QDo the consultants only recommend schools that are covered in The Good Schools Guide?
A: No, although we do find that these are generally the ones people want. However, in some areas of the country or to meet specific requirements, we may well recommend you consider schools that are not – or not yet – in The Guide.

QI want to buy/rent a house according to where good schools are - can you help?
A: Absolutely. This is a very common request and we’re always happy to help.

QWhat geographical areas do your consultants cover?
A: We have knowledgeable consultants all over the country (and internationally as part of The Good Schools Guide International) and we can advise you on schools everywhere. Our consultants can draw on the knowledge of the whole UK team as well as on the unique bank of data and other information amassed by The Good Schools Guide.

QCan The Good Schools Guide use its influence to get my child a place at a school?
A: Schools are sometimes happy to talk to us when parents have had a curt refusal and we are adept at negotiating a last minute assessment or interview. But although we can open doors, we can never guarantee securing a place for a child at a particular school. And neither – whatever they may say – can anyone else!

Q: Does The Good Schools Guide take commission from schools it recommends?
A: No, and this is what makes us different from ‘agents’ who have individual financial arrangements with schools. Our advice is entirely independent and based only on what you tell us you want for your children.

QDoes the consultant check whether my shortlisted schools actually have places available?
A: Yes, if you are one of our Premier clients.

Q: What if I am not happy with the schools my consultant recommends?
A: This has scarcely ever happened but, if you are not happy, tell us. We take immense pride in giving our clients exactly what they want and our many thousands of happy clients are testament to this. However, we are always honest with our clients. If you are fixed on only one school or a few schools which your consultant knows will not find places for you, s/he will tell you.

Q: Can the consultant assess my child?
 Assessments are available to all our clients. It is a useful diagnostic tool for you and for us to help decide which schools to suggest or whether remedial or language work will be needed before a school place is likely. Tell our administrator if you want to find out more.

QCan I speak to someone about a particular school?
A: We will always try to match you with a consultant who personally knowns a particular school in which you are interested. If it is a school in The Good Schools Guide this should always be possible.

Q: Is what I tell my consultant confidential?
A: None of our consultants will ever disclose confidential matters unless there is a clear risk of harm to you or to a child in which case they are obliged to discuss breaking confidentiality with you.

Q: Do you offer group information talks to parents?
A: Yes, our experts regularly present to parents within workplaces, schools, social clubs and societies, PTAs, groups of local friends or even online chat groups. We are told it’s just the ticket to demystifying the confusing aspects of the UK education scene. And we just love a Q&A session. Email us to find out more.

Contact us 0800 368 7694 or +44 203 286 6824 or [email protected]

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