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The Good Schols Guide InternationalWhat the Financial Times says about the GSGI:

“With the welfare of [one's] sons and daughters at stake, not to mention their education and and fees of tens of thousands a year at the most exclusive schools, this inside information can be invaluable - particularly when a bewildering array of ... schools scattered across the globe that call themselves international, each offering a different mix of curricula and examinations.” 

The Good Schools Guide International is a one-of-a-kind guide for families moving abroad. It's completely independent, written by parents for parents and

  • Tells you the best international schools worldwide that cater to English-speaking expatriates- British, IB, American international schools and even national curriculum schools that expats choose; 
  • Gives brisk, personal expat advice and educational overviews for each city, 
  • And real-time updates or alerts;
  • Pinpoints transition issues between school systems  (British to IB, American to British, French to British etc), countries, hemispheres;
  • Decodes exams and scores (IGCSE, IB, SAT, AP, etc);
  • Separates the bogus from the legit (accreditation agencies, alleged inspections etc)

School reviews are unsolicited – they’re selected and paid for by the Guide and not the school. It's the international version of The Good Schools Guide, and like that 35 year UK best-seller, the Good Schools Guide International is forthright, occasionally irreverent, and pulls no punches.

So how do GSGI writers know what they know about schools?

From countless interviews with other parents and finally his/her own visit to the school and interviews with as many people as possible there (teachers, principal, college councillors, students, etc).

The writer looks at test scores, where students go when they leave (university, or other local schools), how well they make the transition to schools back home or other foreign postings; the state of the physical plant, playing fields, toilets, computer labs, art studios etc; interprets attitudes and approaches to problems, bullying, drugs etc.

The reviews are straightforward and written in a conversational way. In fact, exactly as one would chat in person. That less-than-grave approach can be startling to schools, but all schools are given time and opportunity to comment on their reviews.

What makes a good school?

Since 'good' can mean many things to parents with all kinds of children, when the GSGI says 'good,' it means any school that parents would move to be close to, or change their lives in some way to get their children into it. Reviews are written as if one parent who liked the school were recommending it, warts and all, to another parent...and in such a way that parents can read between the lines to determine whether it is right for their child. 

It might be an intensely competitive academic school – perfect for the highly motivated overachiever, or it might be a school that somehow finds a place for every type of student –  even the class clown who’s a bit bolshie on sports or shows a distinct lack of zeal for his homework. The thing is that the parents and students there really love it.

School Rankings (Not)

Schools are not ranked, nor compared to each other in the write-ups. They are put in context through the Educational Overview of each city or country, where various influences on local schools - political, cultural, transportation, security, etc - are discussed...anything that newcomers should take into account as they choose schools or even postings for their families. 

Schools are never rubbished but, again, described so that parents can read between the lines to determine the best one for their child. If there are tremors under the surface, we offer possible pointed questions, give information as to how other parents have coped, or suggest tutoring required to make up for inferior class work or teachers. The important thing is that parents be able to plan for their children's education as well as possible, even if that means there are no good local options in that country and the parent must turn to home schooling or boarding school.

The Good Schools Guide International is a guide for English-speaking parents, about schools all over the world in a jumble of cultures. We point out differences in these new places and prepare parents for some of the culture shock.

Writers write full reviews on schools with broad acclaim (and the occasional caveat) from parents. If a school is simply listed with a short summary, but not covered with a full review, it may be that we just haven’t found enough parents to give it the thumbs–up yet: we welcome all comments and opinions. 

We add writers and countries every day, and always looking for new qualified writers, more countries and of course... good schools. If you know about one or two or more, we’d like to hear about them, and we’d like to hear your comments on any of the schools you see in this Guide. Please Contact us

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