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Bilton Grange School

What says..

History oozes out of every nook and cranny of this country pile. We commented that entering school is like walking onto a Harry Potter set, ‘Everyone says that!’ our tour guide beamed. Immaculate, roomy, bright classrooms where setting is introduced from year 5 in maths and English and year 6 for science (three subjects taught in rotation). Pupils say they ‘don’t feel pressured’, parents agree that added to small class sizes pupils are ‘encouraged not pushed’. Those who excel in a subject join… 

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What the school says...

Bilton Grange will prepare your child for 13+ entry into the country's leading senior schools. Bilton Grange is part of the Rugby Group of Schools and around half of our pupils progress to Rugby School each year. Bilton Grange pupils have also gone on to Eton, Oundle, Uppingham, and Harrow often with academic, art, DT and sport scholarships. ...Read more

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What The Good Schools Guide says


Since 2021, Gareth Jones. Being the youngest of 10 provided an unique outlook on life – not many families can claim their own 7s rugby team or sing together at the Edinburgh Festival. Educated at St John’s School, Leatherhead, spending ‘as much time as possible on the playing fields’, accruing life skills and philosophies that shaped him ‘on and off the pitch’. Considering options as a school leaver, the military beckoned, but when a much-admired former headmaster offered gap year at Lichfield Cathedral School, his vocation was realised.

Took an English with history degree and subsequent PGCE in Bath and developed his love of sport. First teaching post at Dragon School brought wealth of experience as form tutor, English and history teacher, housemaster, director of sport, first team rugby and football...

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