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  • Buckswood School
    Broomham Hall
    Rye Road
    East Sussex
    TN35 4LT
  • Head: Mr Kevin Samson
  • T 01424 813813
  • F 01825 765010
  • E
  • W
  • An independent school for boys and girls aged from 10 to 19.
  • Boarding: Yes
  • Local authority: East Sussex
  • Pupils: 294
  • Religion: None
  • Fees: Day: £16,350 - £19,350; Boarding £28,500 pa
  • Open days: Open Days are held several times throughout the year. For more information please see website for details.
  • Ofsted report: View the Ofsted report

What the school says...

At Buckswood, we offer standard English curriculum as well as EAL and IB with many options through GCSE and 6th Form. We also offer a wide range of Sports academies including Football, Rugby, Equestrian, Golf, Netball and Futsal (Girls Football)

Here at Buckswood we have one aim – that is for every student to be the best they can be; and in doing so has explored the world around them with a sense of adventure, has discovered where their skills and passions lie and has gained a wealth of qualifications and experiences.

To achieve our aim, our approach is holistic. We know that in every child we must build self-confidence, self-belief, a sense of worth and a sense of purpose. We offer our students many, many opportunities to try new things, visit new places, meet and new people, because here at Buckswood we do not confine our learning to just inside the classroom.

A Buckswood education is a personal journey. Every child is different and we recognise and value talent wherever it chooses to form in a child; be it on the sports field, in the science labs, in the stroke of a paint brush or on a horse.

Life at Buckswood is not about being ‘the best’, it is about being ‘your best’ whatever that is, and we will celebrate your achievements, because the world is wide and you will need so more than academic attainment for a truly successful life…
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International Baccalaureate: diploma - the diploma is the familiar A-level equivalent.

Other features

Music and dance scheme - government funding and grants available to help with fees at selected independent music and dance schools.

International Study Centre - school has a linked, international study centre for overseas students wishing to improve their English.


Equestrian centre or equestrian team - school has own equestrian centre or an equestrian team.



Please note: Independent schools frequently offer IGCSEs or other qualifications alongside or as an alternative to GCSE. The DfE does not record performance data for these exams so independent school GCSE data is frequently misleading; parents should check the results with the schools.

Who came from where

Who goes where

Special Education Needs

Buckswood School recognises that SEND students range across the spectrum of Able, Gifted and Talented, and EAL students, as well as those requiring support to access the curriculum. We recognise that many of the learning difficulties of students may be temporary and can be overcome, so students with additional educational needs are given the opportunity to benefit as fully as possible from a challenging education in a positive environment. Buckswood Policy is consistent with the fundamental principles contained in the Special Educational Needs and Disability Code of Practice: 0 to 25 years (July 2014) and the Equalities Act 2010. We believe in providing every possible opportunity to develop the full potential of all students. Our aim is that all students with special educational needs participate in activities compatible with the efficient education of other students and the efficient use of resources. All children will have the right to a broad and balanced curriculum including extra-curricular activities where appropriate and full access to the curriculum offered by the school. All Students are valued and their self-esteem promoted. We work in close partnership with Parents and Carers who play an active part in their child’s education and value input from them, as well as the Students themselves whose views are taken into account.

Who came from where

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