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Perfect, billiard table-esque pitches extend as far as the eye can see. Sport is the tour de force here and fetishized by all, especially rugby and cricket that have – when numbers allow – A-E teams ready to take on all comers at all levels. Days are long (so are holidays) but boys seem to take it in their stride and point out there’s no homework apart from spellings, reading and basic maths until the last two years (when all boys board). Saturday school is proper, with lessons until…

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What the school says...

Caldicott is a day and boarding country prep school for boys aged 7 – 13 in south Buckinghamshire. Situated in 40 acres of magnificent grounds, and 30 minutes from West London, we operate an extensive daily return bus service. With an excellent record in preparing boys for scholarships to top boarding and day schools, these senior schools commend us for our well-mannered, confident and compassionate boys. Our strong boarding ethos still allows for flexibility. Day places, flexi, weekly and full boarding provide multiple pathways leading to the same outcome where boys are ready for the next step in their academic journey. ...Read more

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Since 2018, Jeremy Banks, previously headmaster of Beachborough School. His mother was a headteacher and having realised relatively young that he too had a way with children, he subsequently did a degree in education studies and geography at Warwick University and an MA in educational leadership (distinction) at Buckingham. Spent his first 10 years at Dulwich Prep; joined Beachborough as deputy head in 2006, becoming head in 2013.

Now gently guiding Caldicott, this most traditional of preps, towards the 21st century (school’s first ever head with an active Twitter account). One of his first wins was to completely overhaul the way boys are prepared for pre-test and secondary school interviews, including bringing in external people (cue applause from parents). ‘They bus them off to their Wellington interviews en masse where...

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Special Education Needs

At Caldicott we have a full time Head of Learning Support and three part time teachers. We currently help boys with Dyslexia, Dyspraxia and E.S.L. Pupils on the Learning Support Register take part in the full curriculum and are withdrawn from class for one or two individual lessons per week focusing on Literacy, Maths and/or Study Skills.

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