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Pastoral approach based on encouraging children to talk openly and air concerns. In almost every room we went into, we saw Place2Be post-boxes where messages flagging up worries can be posted. ‘The teachers really want to help you.’ Each building has a generous supply of outdoor space, constantly in use. Lessons are lively. In a history lesson, we learned that Henry VIII ‘loved jousting and killing’, the children excited by the prospect of their forthcoming visit to the Tower of London. Music permeates throughout, tunes emanating from the...

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What the school says...

Devonshire House Preparatory School is situated in the heart of Hampstead. The School provides education of high quality for both boys and girls, not only to nurture ability in the traditional subjects but also to foster a variety of talents so that each individual child can reach his or her full potential.

The School pursues high academic standards whilst developing enthusiasm and initiative.We believe it is important to encourage pupils to develop their own individual personalities and a good sense of personal responsibility. The School places particular importance on individual attention for each child.

Devonshire House is for children from two to thirteen years of age.
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What The Good Schools Guide says


Since September 2022, Henry Keighly-Elstub. Previously head at Pembridge Hall for 10 years and before that, deputy head at Wetherby Prep. He has also been senior master at Chesham Prep and head of history at Ludgrove, having started his teaching career at Cothill. Educated at Eton, degree in classical civilisation from Leeds, followed by short stint as an art salesman in London before embarking on PGCE in history at St Martin’s Lancaster.

When we met him, he was warmly shaking every child’s hand, while also adjusting top buttons and ties. Sociable and dynamic, he has a great sense of humour and a pragmatic approach, telling us he wants ‘to ramp up the academics - not at the cost of the nurturing, though.’ Also wants ‘stronger creative arts - I’d love...

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