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Highfield Prep School (HLC)

What says..

In a science lesson, we saw some creative and purposeful use of virtual reality headsets to help pupils learn about the life cycle of butterflies. Lots of educational off-site visits – on the day we visited, some pupils were just back from the Yorkshire Wildlife Park which was the focus for a cross-curricular project. French for all. Assessments each term, with results shared with pupils and parents for agreed target setting. Parents could not have been more complimentary about…

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What the school says...

Highfield is the co-educational prep department of Harrogate Ladies College. Highfield celebrates an important and wonderful stage in a child’s development. From the first day at school we aim to make this a happy, exciting and inspiring journey towards senior school. Children join Highfield from across Harrogate and the surrounding area and are taught in small class sizes enabling us to focus on their individual development. This approach helps our children to achieve their full potential both inside and outside of the classroom. Children at our school love to learn. It’s part of our culture, part of who we are. ...Read more

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What The Good Schools Guide says


Head since 2016, James Savile (early 50s). Was deputy head at Gordonstoun and then head at Leweston Prep in Dorset followed by a stint as principal at Dolphin School and Noah’s Ark Nurseries in London. Degree in primary education and French from Southampton. Was appointed specifically to re-invigorate and re-structure the school and has been responsible for the appointment of new leadership from pre-school upwards. He believes in strong communication with parents as the root of good learning and kept his regular meetings with parents going via Zoom throughout the pandemic. Parents like this, along with his overall style, his interest in every child and the fact that teaching and learning are at the heart of his philosophy. ‘I believe every child is talented – to help them find their talents we need to...

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Special Education Needs

Specific SEN provision is provided for Dyslexia, with support from staff at Dyslexia Action. Other SEN provision is available as appropriate to cater for children of all abilities in order to meet individual learning needs. Gifted and talented children are also thrive in this vibrant and caring community.

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