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  • Kensington Park School
    40-44 Bark Place
    W2 4AT
  • Head: Mr Antony Faccinello
  • T 020 7616 4400
  • F 020 7616 4401
  • E [email protected]
  • W
  • An independent school for boys and girls aged from 11 to 18.
  • Boarding: Yes
  • Local authority: Westminster
  • Pupils: 250; sixth formers: 120
  • Religion: None
  • Fees: Day £31,050 - £34,650; Boarding £25,530 - £36,600 pa (last updated on 21/01/2025)
  • Open days: March
  • Review: View The Good Schools Guide Review
  • Ofsted report: View the Ofsted report

What says..

As one of the new kids on the block Kensington Park is developing a positive reputation for inclusion and a more tailored approach to individuals across the academic spectrum. Purpose-built, purple seated  theatre doubles as creative hall where pupils get involved in the annual production either on stage, behind it or with sound and music. During lunch breaks the multi-purpose hall hosts games of dodgeball, table tennis and badminton, others head out for ball games across the road in Hyde Park

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What the school says...

KPS is a small, independent, co-educational day and boarding school for students aged 11 to 18 in the heart of cosmopolitan central London. Our central purpose is, above all, to realise and release potential, and our students are excited, challenged, and inspired to become the best possible version of themselves.

Split across two sites on either side of Hyde Park, the Lower School (ages 11 to 15) is situated on Bark Place, while the Sixth Form (ages 16 to 18) overlooks the Natural History Museum on Queen’s Gate.

Boarding is also available to students aged 13 to 17 in the school’s state-of-the-art boarding house, located within easy reach of the school.
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What The Good Schools Guide says


Since 2024, Antony Faccinello MA (Oxon) PGCE, educated at Manchester Grammar School and Pembroke College, Oxford where he read English. He has taught in a number of prestigious independent schools including Cheltenham College, Haberdashers Elstree, head of English at RGS Guildford and senior deputy head at Alleyn’s School, Dulwich. Most interestingly, he also spent six years as head of Trinity Academy in Brixton helping to establish a higher achieving state secondary for South London with a sixth form that was starting to send its more able pupils to Oxbridge. Warm and welcoming, he advocates a modern approach to education, its need to be holistic, provide good learning models and strategies to inspire the futures of those who pass through the institutions he leads. All in all, definitely seen as a thoughtful and flexible character,...

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Please note: Independent schools frequently offer IGCSEs or other qualifications alongside or as an alternative to GCSE. The DfE does not record performance data for these exams so independent school GCSE data is frequently misleading; parents should check the results with the schools.

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Special Education Needs

The College has a Special Educational Needs Coordinator (SENCo) who liaises with external professionals to secure support for students as required.

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