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All the parents we spoke to used the same phrase, ‘She skips to school,' and it’s easy to see why. Girls told us, ‘Lessons are fun, we don’t just write things down we do stuff’. Big focus on learning beyond the classroom. In ‘Creative Sparks’ girls carousel through activities such as forest school, textiles and dance while on Thursdays in ‘Bright sparks’ they look at academic challenge in science, maths and problem solving…


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What the school says...

At our Junior School education is shaped around how girls learn best. Your daughter will soon find herself in an exciting world where she will become an explorer, an inventor, and a deep thinker, and all the while developing a deep joy for learning.

What’s uniquely special about our Junior School is how our superb learning environment enables us to shape our curriculum way beyond the requirements of the national curriculum and to offer a rounded and rich educational experience which will expand your daughter’s learning.

Add to this our outdoor learning programme, array of workshops, co-curricular clubs and trips at NHSG, and your daughter will find every day offers a new learning adventure.

And because we are an all-girl school, we can deliver it all in a way we know will inspire her and spark her curiosity.

With the support of exceptional teachers, your daughter will grow in academic skills and confidence. She will be happy, engaged and always excited to challenge herself in and out of the classroom.

Girls in our Junior School thrive and whether your daughter joins us in Nursery or at a later stage, you can be assured that she will be in the very best learning environment for girls.
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All-through school (for example 3-18 years). - An all-through school covers junior and senior education. It may start at 3 or 4, or later, and continue through to 16 or 18. Some all-through schools set exams at 11 or 13 that pupils must pass to move on.

What The Good Schools Guide says


Since 2020, Amanda Hardie. Read theology at Oxford, followed by a PGCE from Durham. Has spent all her teaching career here, first at Church High before it merged with Central Newcastle Girls High in 2014 and then as director of studies followed by deputy head academic at the newly formed Newcastle Girls High senior school. She combines her role at the senior school with headship of the junior school and has worked with the senior school head for many years. This creates a strong partnership and an impressively seamless transition for girls between the two schools. ‘We don’t have a year 7 dip,’ she says, ‘we look at what our brilliant A* at A level girls will look like at each stage of their learning from nursery onwards and use this to plan the...

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