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  • Oakfield Preparatory School
    125-128 Thurlow Park Road
    SE21 8HP
  • Head: Mrs Moyra Thompson
  • T 020 8670 4206
  • F 020 8766 6744
  • E [email protected]
  • W
  • An independent school for boys and girls aged from 2 to 11.
  • Boarding: No
  • Local authority: Lambeth
  • Pupils: 315
  • Religion: None
  • Fees: £10,359 - £14,493 pa (last updated on 14/02/2024)
  • Open days: February

What the school says...

Oakfield Preparatory School is a warm and nurturing school in the heart of Dulwich that blends a modern curriculum with fantastic pastoral care. We treat all our boys and girls as the individuals that they are and strive to help them all become the best that they can be. We are a preparatory school, whereby we prepare our pupils for the world of opportunity that awaits them when they leave us at the end of Year 6. We have fantastic relationships with secondary schools in South London and beyond, and our leavers frequently gain scholarships and awards at some of the most prestigious schools around. ...Read more

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Special Education Needs

In terms of SEN provision Oakfield is an inclusive school where pupils with moderate and specific learning difficulties are fully supported by their teachers and the Learning Success Team. There is a full time qualified SENCO and two part-time qualified specialist teachers who help to plan and co-ordinate specialist support. Adaptations and support plans are integrated into quality teaching methods across the pre-prep and prep departments. There are dedicated learning spaces in the pre-prep and prep departments for small group work, taught and overseen by specialist teachers.

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