Old Palace of John Whitgift School
- Old Palace of John Whitgift School
Old Palace Road
CR0 1AX - Head: Jane Burton
- T 020 8688 2027
- F 020 8680 5877
- E admissions@oldpalace.croydon.sch.uk
- W www.oldpalace.croydon.sch.uk
- An independent school for girls aged from 2 to 18.
- Boarding: No
- Local authority: Croydon
- Pupils: 450
- Religion: Christian
- Fees: £19,350 pa (last updated on 14/06/2023)
- Open days: September and June
What the school says...
First and foremost Old Palace is a place of learning, but for each girl who comes here, Old Palace will also be a key contributor in her development as a compassionate, capable and confident individual, prepared to address the challenges presented to her as she makes her own contribution to society.
In addition to a first class academic education we also promote leadership, independence, integrity and an ambition to achieve. Old Palace has something to inspire every young woman ranging from football to astronomy.
Old Palace is a unique school in an exceptional and inspiring setting steeped in history as recorded from 896AD. It is this which enables us to identify, encourage and nurture the special qualities of each and every individual entrusted to us. Our surroundings stimulate girls to develop and flourish in ways beyond the reach of a conventional education. For example, not every girls school in the country can boast the opportunity to sing cathedral repertoire every week in Croydon Minster, our next door neighbour at Old Palace.
Old Palace is blessed with magnificent buildings, enthusiastic, highly motivated staff and a sound ethos of social awareness. For all who embrace the many opportunities presented, Old Palace will reward them with a happy, memorable and empowering education. ...Read more
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Other features
All-through school (for example 3-18 years). - An all-through school covers junior and senior education. It may start at 3 or 4, or later, and continue through to 16 or 18. Some all-through schools set exams at 11 or 13 that pupils must pass to move on.
Overall school performance (for comparison or review only)
Results by exam and subject
Subject results
Special Education Needs
Condition | Provision for in school |
ASD - Autistic Spectrum Disorder
Might cover/be referred to as;
ASD - Autistic Spectrum Disorder, Aspergers, Autism, High functioning autism, Neurodivergent, Neurodiversity, Pathological Demand Avoidance (PDA), PDA , Social skills, Sensory processing disorder |
Y |
HI - Hearing Impairment
Might cover/be referred to as;
Hearing Impairment, HI - Hearing Impairment |
MLD - Moderate Learning Difficulty
Might cover/be referred to as;
Learning needs, MLD - Moderate Learning Difficulty |
MSI - Multi-Sensory Impairment
Might cover/be referred to as;
MSI - Multi-Sensory Impairment, Sensory processing |
OTH - Other Difficulty/Disability
Might cover/be referred to as;
Downs Syndrome, Epilepsy, Genetic , OTH - Other Difficulty/Disability, Tics, Tourettes |
PD - Physical Disability
Might cover/be referred to as;
PD - Physical Disability |
PMLD - Profound and Multiple Learning Difficulty
Might cover/be referred to as;
Complex needs, Global delay, Global developmental delay, PMLD - Profound and Multiple Learning Difficulty |
SEMH - Social, Emotional and Mental Health
Might cover/be referred to as;
Anxiety , Complex needs, Emotionally based school avoidance (EBSA), Mental Health, SEMH - Social, Emotional and Mental Health, Trauma |
SLCN - Speech, Language and Communication
Might cover/be referred to as;
DLD - Developmental Language Disorder, Selective mutism, SLCN - Speech, Language and Communication |
SLD - Severe Learning Difficulty
Might cover/be referred to as;
Complex needs, SLD - Severe Learning Difficulty, Cerebral Palsy (CP) |
SpLD - Specific Learning Difficulty
Might cover/be referred to as;
ADHD, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), Auditory Processing, DCD, Developmental Co-ordination Difficulties (DCD), Dyscalculia, Dysgraphia, Dyslexia, Dyspraxia, Handwriting, Other specific learning difficulty, SpLD - Specific Learning Difficulty, Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD) |
Y |
VI - Visual Impairment
Might cover/be referred to as;
Special facilities for Visually Impaired, VI - Visual Impairment |
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