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What the school says...

St Hilda's School is an Independent Day School for girls aged 4–11 years and
a Nursery for girls and boys from 3 years in Harpenden. We offer free breakfast club from 7.30am and after school care until 6pm. Our Nursery sessions also run from 7.30am to 6pm Monday to Friday.

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Special Education Needs

Learning Support is integral to our teaching. Our Head of Learning Support is an experienced teacher and practitioner in this area, and leads a dedicated team who provide support for pupils, enabling them to work with confidence, succeed and maximise their full potential. Our Learning Support team works across all classes to provide support where necessary, including in-class support, small group work, pre-learning groups, booster groups and 1:1 lessons. Lessons have a focus on creativity, collaboration and fun. Using a variety of interactive techniques and state of the art technology, girls learn through practical, multi-sensory activities that convey concepts in an innovative way. Further up the school, two part-time teachers work alongside the specialist English and mathematics teachers to plan and deliver the curriculum in Form V and Form VI. Our approach is always pupil centred. The specialist teachers will find the right strategy and teaching method for each pupil, understanding how they learn best as individuals. We work with outside agencies such as speech therapists, occupational therapists, educational psychologists and paediatricians for guidance and advice to make sure we fully understand the unique aspects of each pupil’s development and can provide the appropriate support for them

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