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Stellar results blossom from a not hugely competitive intake. ‘I don’t know what the school puts in the water, but everyone wants to do well,’ a sixth form student said wryly. ‘We’re doing it for ourselves; we’re not forced.’ The value added is phenomenal,’ said a parent. ‘This is not a school that simply cherry-picks; the girls come in a mixed bag academically and they leave with top marks.’ Key stage 3 offers a ‘super-curriculum’ of interdisciplinary topics like ‘identity’, ‘enterprise’ and ‘pilgrimage’ which interweave several academic subjects. Latin is a core subject from day one through year 9. Quite a lot of setting...

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Equestrian centre or equestrian team - school has own equestrian centre or an equestrian team.


What The Good Schools Guide says


Since 2019, Danuta Staunton BA MA PGCE. English degree and master’s in Renaissance literature, both from York; PGCE from King’s College London. Worked in publishing before joining St Mary’s English department in 2010, and has been here ever since, as year coordinator, deputy head of house and then part of the senior management and education team. She spent a year as headmistress elect, working closely – ‘a Jane Austen dance’ – with the outgoing head prior to taking the helm. Hers is an unusual journey, having only taught at one school for the entirety of her career. ‘I think it’s fair to say she “gets” the school,’ said a long-term parent.

Lives on site. Married to a computer scientist. Dog parent. Loves reading. Also likes to box with her freestanding...

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Please note: Independent schools frequently offer IGCSEs or other qualifications alongside or as an alternative to GCSE. The DfE does not record performance data for these exams so independent school GCSE data is frequently misleading; parents should check the results with the schools.

Who came from where

Who goes where

Special Education Needs

The Learning Support Centre is an integral part of full boarding life and our SENDCo regularly communicates with Heads of House, boarding staff, residential staff and academic staff, who work together to fully support the needs of every pupil. The Learning Support Centre is a welcoming environment that offers some group sessions and, where needed, one-to-one support for specific learning difficulties in order to ensure that all pupils are equipped to meet - and exceed - their expectations. In addition to this, we encourage our able, gifted and talented pupils throughout the curriculum as well as in a programme of varied and challenging co-curricular events. This includes our Academy programme of lectures and seminars.

Condition Provision for in school
ASD - Autistic Spectrum Disorder
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorders
CReSTeD registered for Dyslexia
Dyslexia Y
Dyspraxia Y
English as an additional language (EAL)
Has an entry in the Autism Services Directory
Has SEN unit or class
HI - Hearing Impairment Y
Hospital School
Mental health
MLD - Moderate Learning Difficulty
MSI - Multi-Sensory Impairment
Natspec Specialist Colleges
OTH - Other Difficulty/Disability
Other SpLD - Specific Learning Difficulty
PD - Physical Disability
PMLD - Profound and Multiple Learning Difficulty
SEMH - Social, Emotional and Mental Health
SLCN - Speech, Language and Communication
SLD - Severe Learning Difficulty
Special facilities for Visually Impaired
SpLD - Specific Learning Difficulty
VI - Visual Impairment

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