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  • Stanmore House School
    Stanmore Road
    South Lanarkshire
    ML11 7RR
  • Head: Clare McCarron
  • T 0131 347 1060
  • F 01555 665480
  • E [email protected]
  • W
  • A special independent school for boys and girls.
  • Boarding: Yes
  • Local authority: Grant-maintained
  • Pupils: 18
  • Religion: Non-denominational
  • Open days: Please enquire

What the school says...

Stanmore House is a school with heart, we are no ordinary school: in the 1950s, we were founded by parents and health workers who wanted better educational opportunities for their disabled children. Almost 70 years later we continue to strive to deliver the best education and wider achievements to the children and young people at Stanmore House School.

That pioneering spirit is still the foundation that drives the work we do to educate and support children and young people with complex and additional needs. Without a doubt, every child deserves the very best education and start in life. It’s essential they have an excellent education that develops them holistically, ensuring opportunities to develop their skills and talents. What excellent looks like can be different for each child, dependent on their needs. At Stanmore House School we remain consistent in our aims to nurture children and help them achieve their very best.
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Special Education Needs

Stanmore House is a grant-aided school and part of Capability Scotland, an organisation supporting disabled people of all ages. The school caters for pupils from five to eighteen years who have severe learning difficulties and complex special needs. The school also offers day, residential and respite care

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