The David Lewis Centre A GSG School
- The David Lewis Centre
Mill Lane
Alderley Edge
SK9 7UD - Head: Angie Fisher
- T 01565 640000
- F 01565 640100
- E [email protected]
- W
- A state special school for boys and girls aged from 16 to 25 with severe epilepsy, autism, severe, profound and multiple learning difficulties, sensory and physical disabilities, and challenging behaviour.
- Boarding: Yes
- Local authority: Cheshire East
- Pupils: 67
- Religion: Does not apply
- Fees: Usually or always funded by the LA
- Review: View The Good Schools Guide Review
- Ofsted report: View the Ofsted report
What The Good Schools Guide says..
Some learners have poor memory and cannot read conventional print so tutors give feedback via video recordings. This also works well for those learners who cannot bear to have comments written on their work. Students work towards qualifications which can be delivered in bite-size chunks over a long period of time and which use a portfolio approach. The aim is to give a structure and a way of evidencing learning and progress without causing undue stress which could have an adverse effect ...
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What The Good Schools Guide says
Since 2014, Angie Fisher. Joined as a curriculum coordinator in 2011, and was later promoted to assistant principal. Has responsibility for curriculum, day provision in school and residential provision. She comes from a commercial background and worked for many years in travel agencies with responsibility for training young recruits to the industry. She moved on to work for a training provider offering specialist support for young people in mainstream secondary schools who were in danger of exclusion because of social and behavioural difficulties.
Good humoured, enthusiastic and unflappable, Fisher sees raising and maintaining staff morale as the best way to improve standards and make David Lewis a vibrant community.
Despite the small numbers at the David Lewis Centre, Fisher sees no threat of closure for the school or...
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