Thomas Telford School A GSG School
- Thomas Telford School
Old Park
TF3 4NW - Head: Ian Rawlings
- T 01952 200000
- F 01952 293294
- E [email protected]
- W
- A state school for boys and girls aged from 11 to 18.
- Boarding: No
- Local authority: Telford and Wrekin
- Pupils: 1,508; sixth formers: 600
- Religion: Non-denominational
- Open days: March for successful applicants
- Review: View The Good Schools Guide Review
- Latest Overall effectiveness Good 1
- 16-19 study programmes Outstanding 1
- Outcomes for children and learners Outstanding 1
- Quality of teaching, learning and assessment Outstanding 1
- Personal development, behaviour and welfare Outstanding 1
- Effectiveness of leadership and management Good 1
- 1 Full inspection 6th December 2022
- Previous Ofsted grade: Outstanding on 21st January 2009
- Ofsted report: View the Ofsted report
What The Good Schools Guide says..
There is very much a Midlands business feel about the buildings - lots of glass, professional and motivational wall displays celebrating the many achievements of teams and individuals. The first thing you see as you enter the very corporate entrance hall is a big trophy cabinet, bursting with silver cups. Super confident and assertive, this is a head you would not want to get on the wrong side of. More than 200 students (including more than 100 girl and boy footballers) play at levels ranging from district to national...
What the school says...
Parents visit school as part of the admissions procedure.
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What The Good Schools Guide says
Since September 2024, Ian Rawlings.
An NFER non-verbal reasoning assessment divides applicants into nine ability bands. The school asks for year 5 reports and attendance records, and gives priority within the bands to those who score well for attainment and effort in technology, science and maths, and are deemed 'most likely to benefit from the education on offer at the school and who have the strongest motivation to succeed'. Wildly oversubscribed. Most children come from Telford or Wolverhampton. School buses currently free.
Sixth form entry dependent on GCSE results, and most A level subjects now need grade 6 or 7 for their subject and at least a 5 in supporting subjects.
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Overall school performance (for comparison or review only)
Results by exam and subject
Subject results
Special Education Needs
Thomas Telford School operates a whole school approach to special educational provision. This means that all staff are responsible for meeting special educational needs and have a responsibility for all students. Our objectives are to provide a curriculum which enables all students to realise their full learning potential. We target resources specifically for exceptionally able students and those with learning and physical difficulties and provide a whole school approach to Learning Support so that meeting special educational needs is an integral part of curriculum planning, delivery and assessment. We identify individual needs and provide appropriate support and utilise Information Technology fully so that students can take more control over their learning. The extra help and learning support that is provided may take a variety of forms. For example, a specially designed learning programme; assistance from an extra teacher, technician, parent or helper in the classroom; being taught individually or in small groups; using technological equipment, eg electronic spelling aids, radio microphones and software for specific skill training as well as full wheelchair access. Avoidance of labelling and non-segregation is fundamental to good practice. Each student is offered their curriculum entitlement, including the National Curriculum, within the context of the teaching area alongside their peers and subject teachers. Each student is given the opportunity to develop from their own starting point and progress at an appropriately challenging pace. Additionally, specialist teaching and resources are provided for students who require Learning Support. The School employs a full time Registered General Nurse.
Interpreting catchment maps
The maps show in colour where the pupils at a school came from*. Red = most pupils to Blue = fewest.
Where the map is not coloured we have no record in the previous three years of any pupils being admitted from that location based on the options chosen.
For help and explanation of our catchment maps see: Catchment maps explained
Further reading
If there are more applicants to a school than it has places for, who gets in is determined by which applicants best fulfil the admissions criteria.
Admissions criteria are often complicated, and may change from year to year. The best source of information is usually the relevant local authority website, but once you have set your sights on a school it is a good idea to ask them how they see things panning out for the year that you are interested in.
Many schools admit children based on distance from the school or a fixed catchment area. For such schools, the cut-off distance will vary from year to year, especially if the school give priority to siblings, and the pattern will be of a central core with outliers (who will mostly be siblings). Schools that admit on the basis of academic or religious selection will have a much more scattered pattern.
*The coloured areas outlined in black are Census Output Areas. These are made up of a group of neighbouring postcodes, which accounts for their odd shapes. These provide an indication, but not a precise map, of the school’s catchment: always refer to local authority and school websites for precise information.
The 'hotter' the colour the more children have been admitted.
Children get into the school from here:
most years
quite often
sometimes, but not in this year
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