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  • Trinity Catholic College
    Lacy Road
    TS4 3JW
  • Head: Andy Rodgers
  • T 01642 298100
  • F 01642 822211
  • W
  • A state school for boys and girls aged from 11 to 19.
  • Boarding: No
  • Local authority: Middlesbrough
  • Pupils: 1347
  • Religion: Roman Catholic
  • Ofsted:
    • 16-19 study programmes Good 1
    • Outcomes for children and learners Requires improvement 1
    • Quality of teaching, learning and assessment Good 1
    • Personal development, behaviour and welfare Good 1
    • Effectiveness of leadership and management Good 1
    • 1 Full inspection 19th November 2024
  • From September 2024, Ofsted no longer makes an overall effectiveness judgement in inspections of state-funded schools.

  • Previous Ofsted grade: Satisfactory on 25th May 2022
  • Ofsted report: View the Ofsted report

This is not currently a GSG-reviewed school.

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Please note: Independent schools frequently offer IGCSEs or other qualifications alongside or as an alternative to GCSE. The DfE does not record performance data for these exams so independent school GCSE data is frequently misleading; parents should check the results with the schools.

Who came from where

Who goes where

Special Education Needs

At St David's we believe that every child is important and try to provide as much help and support as we possibly can. We offer a variety of support depending upon the child's needs and try to work alongside parents to help and support their children. We have a growing department with all Teaching Assistants having regular training to develop and learn new skills. This is important to help pupils with a variety of needs. Pupils registered as having special educational needs receive in class support and additional input through PLUS+ (Pupil learning support service) and additional agencies such as Learning and Behaviour Support, Learning Mentors. In PLUS+ pupils can benefit from reading, spelling and comprehension workshops in year 7,8 and 9 if necessary. We also hold pupil/parent workshops for parents of year 7 pupils. This is to involve parents and show how we help and support the children. In years 10 and 11 we offer study and revision workshops to help pupils plan for examinations. We offer individual appointments for children with more complex needs and refer to a number of agencies and professionals such as speech and language, English as an additional language, educational psychologist and complementary education.

Interpreting catchment maps

The maps show in colour where the pupils at a school came from*. Red = most pupils to Blue = fewest.

Where the map is not coloured we have no record in the previous three years of any pupils being admitted from that location based on the options chosen.

For help and explanation of our catchment maps see: Catchment maps explained

Further reading

If there are more applicants to a school than it has places for, who gets in is determined by which applicants best fulfil the admissions criteria.

Admissions criteria are often complicated, and may change from year to year. The best source of information is usually the relevant local authority website, but once you have set your sights on a school it is a good idea to ask them how they see things panning out for the year that you are interested in.

Many schools admit children based on distance from the school or a fixed catchment area. For such schools, the cut-off distance will vary from year to year, especially if the school give priority to siblings, and the pattern will be of a central core with outliers (who will mostly be siblings). Schools that admit on the basis of academic or religious selection will have a much more scattered pattern.

*The coloured areas outlined in black are Census Output Areas. These are made up of a group of neighbouring postcodes, which accounts for their odd shapes. These provide an indication, but not a precise map, of the school’s catchment: always refer to local authority and school websites for precise information.

The 'hotter' the colour the more children have been admitted.

Children get into the school from here:

most years
quite often
sometimes, but not in this year

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