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  • Whitehall School
    117 High Street
    PE28 3EH
  • Head: Mr Christopher Holmes
  • T 01487 840966
  • F 01487 840 966
  • E [email protected]
  • W
  • An independent school for boys and girls aged from 1 to 11.
  • Boarding: No
  • Local authority: Cambridgeshire
  • Pupils: 97
  • Religion: None

What the school says...

Whitehall School is situated in pleasant grounds in the village of Somersham within easy access of Cambridge and Huntingdon. It consists of the main house, 18th century coach house, covered swimming pool, play areas, games field and new library building. Our caring family atmosphere, high moral expectations, safe environment and smaller than average class sizes (12-15 children) enable our pupils to develop their individual personalities, interests and potential to the full. ...Read more

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Special Education Needs

Whitehall School is non-selective but does informally assess children with known special needs when they visit the school to ensure we can best cater for their needs. We employ a learning support teacher for three mornings a week, who works one-to-one, where appropriate. We also have small class sizes (average 12-15) which enable us to provide more individualised teaching where necessary.

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