Blouberg International School
Located in a popular residential area north of Cape Town, Blouberg International School (age 3-18) offers the Cambridge Curriculum and attracts a diverse mix of local and international families.
- Blouberg International School
74 Ringwood Drive
Cape Town
Western Cape
South Africa
7441 - T +27 072 9440324
- E admissions.blo…[email protected]
- W www.bloubergin…
- School Ages: 3-18
- School Gender: Co-ed
- Teaching Language(s):
- English
- Bilingual Programme(s):
- Other/English
- SEN: SEN considered case by case
- Boarding: Not available
- Uniform: Yes
- School Year: Southern hemisphere calendar with 4 terms: 1. January to March 2. April to June 3. July to Sept 4. Sept to Dec
- School Hours: 07.45/08.00 - 13.00 (Pre-R/R) /13.30 (Y1-2) /14.30 (Y3-12)
- Annual Fee Range: R 68,209 - R 77,084
- Fee Information: Application fee: R 500. Non-Refundable Placement Fee R 11,500 (Pre-Reception to Year 12). Deposit of R 15,000 (R 1,000 annual development levy is deducted from deposit paid; after 10 years you would receive R 5,000 back). Camp fees from Y3-Y12 (compulsory); external exam fees. Primary school early care (from 6.30am) and after-school care (to 6pm). There are no bursaries or scholarships available.
- Religion: Non-denominational
- State/Independent: Privately owned
- Cambridge Education (DfE BSO approved)
No school can pay to be in
The Good Schools Guide International. Period.
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