Cambridge Tutors College
- Cambridge Tutors College
Water Tower Hill
CR0 5SX - Head: Dr Christopher Drew
- T 020 8688 5284
- F 020 8686 9220
- E [email protected]
- W
- An independent school for boys and girls aged from 14 to 23.
- Boarding: Yes
- Local authority: Croydon
- Pupils: 60
- Religion: None
- Fees: £17,900 pa
- Ofsted report: View the Ofsted report
- ISI report: View the ISI report
What the school says...
Founded in 1958 by Oxbridge academics, Cambridge Tutors College is a 'stepping-stone' to university. It has an international student body and aims to treat its students as young adults. Teaching takes place in small groups averaging 6 students and there is a regular weekly testing programme. The College enjoys a strong work ethos and set the highest academic expectations of its students. Results are excellent; pastoral care is excellent and the HomeStay programme is popular with students and their parents. ...Read more
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