St Margaret's Preparatory School
- St Margaret's Preparatory School
Gosfield Hall Park
CO9 1SE - Head: Mrs Carolyn Moss
- T 01787 472134
- F 01787 478207
- E
- W
- An independent school for boys and girls aged from 2 to 11.
- Read about the best schools in Essex
- Boarding: No
- Local authority: Essex
- Pupils: 215
- Religion: None
- Ofsted report: View the Ofsted report
What the school says...
In October 2021, St. Margaret's was awarded 'Excellent in All Areas' by the ISI, in their Educational Quality inspection. ISI said the quality of the pupils' academic and other achievements is excellent and the quality of pupils' personal development is excellent.
Inspectors noted that 'Pupils achieve considerable success in a range of academic and other achievements throughout their time at school. The oldest pupils gain places at their chosen senior schools, being well prepared for their selection procedures. Pupils of all ages are highly engaged, enthusiastic and committed learners. Pupils enjoy an excellent rapport with their teachers. The pupils' enjoyment of school life is evident in every aspect of their activities in and out of the classroom.'
To see our Inspection reports, please visit our website - ...Read more
This is not currently a GSG-reviewed school.
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Special Education Needs
Our Special Educational Needs (SEN) Co-ordinator, Mrs Emma Blackburne, has been working at St Margaret’s for more than ten years. In the most recent ISI inspection report they found that: 'Pupils with SEND make rapid progress due to the most suitable strategies being put in place and the high level of support they receive in lessons'. Within the school and SEN Department, our aim is for all children to achieve their personal best; for most children this can be achieved with our excellent class teaching. A small group of children, however, may need additional intervention. This may involve small group work or 1:1 lessons for a few terms to address an acute difficulty. For others, the issues may require longer-term support, and the department can ensure continuity between year groups for these children and liaise with secondary schools to ensure a smooth transfer into year 7. We offer support and guidance to both our pupils and their parents. We are passionate about ensuring the children are happy and confident whilst they are at St. Margaret’s and that they move on to secondary schools with an excellent skill set.
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