Cranford School A GSG School

- Cranford School
OX10 9HT - Head: Dr James Raymond
- T 01491 651218
- F 01491 652557
- E [email protected]
- W
- An independent school for boys and girls aged from 3 to 18.
- Read about the best schools in Oxford and Oxfordshire
- Boarding: No
- Local authority: Oxfordshire
- Pupils: 537; sixth formers: 43
- Religion: Church of England
- Fees: £12,375 - £22,710 pa (last updated on 17/06/2024)
- Open days: We hold regular Open Events and warmly invite you to join us. Please see our website for dates or contact Admissions to book a personal tour at a time of your choice.
- Review: View The Good Schools Guide Review
- Ofsted report: View the Ofsted report
- ISI report: View the ISI report
What The Good Schools Guide says..
We saw lots of super learning, children being stretched. At pre-school, on-site since 2021, tinies were tucking into some well-earned carrot sticks. ‘Who wants to show our visitor the garden?’ was met by such enthusiasm that...Broad range of A levels, which can be run for a single pupil. Philosophy, film studies, sociology and food science on the menu (‘She hasn’t yet made something yucky!’, said a loyal younger sibling). School celebrates...
What the school says...
Cranford is a leading co-educational independent day school for boys and girls aged 3-18 years. It has an excellent reputation for providing pupils with a balanced, all-round education within a warmly nurturing environment. Set in over 14 acres of rural South Oxfordshire in the heart of Moulsford village, the small class sizes, close community and committed staff ensure each pupil is ably supported and challenged to achieve their full potential. The school was rated as 'Excellent' in all categories in its ISI Inspection of November 2022. “Pupils are highly motivated, have extremely positive attitudes to learning and are determined to make the most of the opportunities available to them at the school.” ISI Inspection. A thriving new co-educational Sixth Form with modern facilities, offers more than 20 A-level option choices together with an extensive co-curricular programme.
At Cranford, the aim is to encourage pupils to achieve their full potential, becoming motivated, confident and happy individuals, recognising the importance of respect and support for others, but ready to seize life’s opportunities.
Academic attainment at Cranford is outstanding. The school has been ranked 2nd nationally in the Sunday Times Parent Power League Table 2022, based on GCSE results with a five year A*-A average of 67%. At A-level 70% of all grades awarded were A*-B, 42% A*-A with 95% of all graduates attaining places at their chosen university. Value-added scores are more impressive than ever with pupils achieving an average 1.6 of a grade higher per subject than predicted elsewhere.
Cranford proudly has a strong reputation for excellent pastoral care. As a small school, great emphasis is placed on really knowing every pupil and developing a bespoke approach to ensure that all pupils grow into well-rounded individuals who achieve their fullest potential. Pupils benefit from small class sizes and a strong pastoral system that gives them the confidence to flourish academically, creatively, spiritually and socially. A vibrant House System encourages both a sense of community and leadership.
The school has extensive recreational and games fields supporting over 30 sports fixtures weekly. The core competitive sports are football, hockey, netball, tennis and cricket with specialist academies offered in hockey, netball and football. Pupils experience a wide range of sport delivered by specialist PE staff which ensures, all abilities and interests are catered for. Sport also plays an important role in encouraging and appreciation of a healthy lifestyle.
A rich provision of over 100 co-curricular and extra-curricular clubs and activities are offered throughout the year designed to offer pupils ways to expand their learning, build confidence and explore their sense of curiosity. Pupils from Reception to Sixth Form benefit from the vast array of extra-curricular clubs offered each week ranging from Design Technology, Trampolining, Street Dance, Brass Band, Sailing and much more.
Performing Arts at Cranford is a hive of activity which helps pupils build confidence, inspire and nurture collective creativity all while making great friendships. Drama has a place for all and participation is encouraged and supported within all areas within school productions. Dramatic musical, theatre and dance productions are an important aspect of school life and all are encouraged to take part.
Performance sits at the heart of the Music Department which embraces all styles of music. With specialist teaching from as early as Reception, pupils benefit from a bespoke music curriculum designed around Performing, Composing and Listening. Ensembles and choirs offer pupils the opportunity to expand their musicality in a fun and stimulating environment. Pupils develop their social and communication skills by playing and singing with their peers, while live performance opportunities allow their confidence and self-esteem to grow. Musical ensembles pride themselves on being inclusive and allow all pupils to enjoy music making together.
The expeditions and trips provision brings out the adventurous side in most pupils with exciting opportunities to develop self-confidence, build friendships and independence. Pupils are provided with opportunities to take part in both day and residential activities participating in adventure sports ranging from kayaking to abseiling, climbing, orienteering, mountain biking, hiking, shelter building and much more besides. Bronze, Silver and Gold levels of The Duke of Edinburgh's Award scheme are offered, in addition to far-flung expeditions with World Challenge. Opportunities for overseas travel are also offered from city breaks to Venice, Madrid and Edinburgh, ski and sports trips and choir tours. An extensive network of school transport operates over a wide area throughout both Berkshire and Oxfordshire.
"I am proud of the breadth of opportunities on offer at Cranford, the generosity of spirit and mutual respect the pupils have for each other and uniquely inclusive nature of all our activities. A Cranford education really does prepare all our pupils for modern life and an exciting future." Dr James Raymond – Headmaster ...Read more
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Other features
All-through school (for example 3-18 years). - An all-through school covers junior and senior education. It may start at 3 or 4, or later, and continue through to 16 or 18. Some all-through schools set exams at 11 or 13 that pupils must pass to move on.
Equestrian centre or equestrian team - school has own equestrian centre or an equestrian team.
What The Good Schools Guide says
Since 2014, Dr James Raymond. Earned a first in history from Lancaster University; taught alongside writing a PhD at Exeter University on the Tudors, quickly discovering that ‘the classroom’s more fun than the archives’. Taught at The Grammar School at Leeds, a ‘formative’ experience where he saw the merger of two schools. Then, assistant head at Sheffield High School GDST before moving to this bucolic corner of south Oxfordshire when he got the job. Loves talking history, particularly aviation (current bedtime reading is on the development of jet propulsion during the cold war); ‘It’s quite busy at RAF Benson today!’, he says, delighted by the chinooks and pumas that buzz around this area. Recent co-curricular engineering week, ‘wings and wheels’, was a fine excuse to have a Spitfire parked on the school’s driveway.
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Overall school performance (for comparison or review only)
Results by exam and subject
Subject results
Special Education Needs
The Learning Support Department at Cranford believes that every child is unique and has the potential to succeed whatever their individual strengths and difficulties. Those children who are not succeeding to their full potential are identified at an early age wherever possible and appropriate support or provision is put in place. Most of this support is within the classroom through teacher awareness, differentiation, use of specialist resources and support from a teaching assistant. This enables the school to be as inclusive as possible. A graduated level of provision is offered when needed through the different Waves of Intervention model. This provision and our pupils' progress are monitored and tracked carefully on a termly basis. All pupils with additional needs have an individual provision map which details their needs and ways to support them. This ensures all staff are aware of individual requirements and can implement any provision necessary. Pupils are taught using multi-sensory strategies and are encouraged to be confident and independent learners.
Condition | Provision for in school |
ASD - Autistic Spectrum Disorder
Might cover/be referred to as;
ASD - Autistic Spectrum Disorder, Aspergers, Autism, High functioning autism, Neurodivergent, Neurodiversity, Pathological Demand Avoidance (PDA), PDA , Social skills, Sensory processing disorder |
Y |
HI - Hearing Impairment
Might cover/be referred to as;
Hearing Impairment, HI - Hearing Impairment |
MLD - Moderate Learning Difficulty
Might cover/be referred to as;
Learning needs, MLD - Moderate Learning Difficulty |
Y |
MSI - Multi-Sensory Impairment
Might cover/be referred to as;
MSI - Multi-Sensory Impairment, Sensory processing |
Y |
OTH - Other Difficulty/Disability
Might cover/be referred to as;
Downs Syndrome, Epilepsy, Genetic , OTH - Other Difficulty/Disability, Tics, Tourettes |
PD - Physical Disability
Might cover/be referred to as;
PD - Physical Disability |
PMLD - Profound and Multiple Learning Difficulty
Might cover/be referred to as;
Complex needs, Global delay, Global developmental delay, PMLD - Profound and Multiple Learning Difficulty |
SEMH - Social, Emotional and Mental Health
Might cover/be referred to as;
Anxiety , Complex needs, Emotionally based school avoidance (EBSA), Mental Health, SEMH - Social, Emotional and Mental Health, Trauma |
Y |
SLCN - Speech, Language and Communication
Might cover/be referred to as;
DLD - Developmental Language Disorder, Selective mutism, SLCN - Speech, Language and Communication |
SLD - Severe Learning Difficulty
Might cover/be referred to as;
Complex needs, SLD - Severe Learning Difficulty, Cerebral Palsy (CP) |
SpLD - Specific Learning Difficulty
Might cover/be referred to as;
ADHD, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), Auditory Processing, DCD, Developmental Co-ordination Difficulties (DCD), Dyscalculia, Dysgraphia, Dyslexia, Dyspraxia, Handwriting, Other specific learning difficulty, SpLD - Specific Learning Difficulty, Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD) |
Y |
VI - Visual Impairment
Might cover/be referred to as;
Special facilities for Visually Impaired, VI - Visual Impairment |
Who came from where
School | Year | Places | Scholarships | Description |
Chandlings Prep School | 2024 | 1 | ||
Eaton House the Manor Girls' School | 2024 | 1 | ||
Rupert House School | 2024 | 1 | ||
The Manor Preparatory School | 2024 | 2 | 2 | Music Scholarship;Drama Scholarship |
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