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All the staff spoken to were genuinely effusive in their praise of the school; teachers run free booster sessions to help pupils prepare for 11+ exams in September. Pastoral care a real strength. Form time twice a day gives opportunities for pupils to speak to teachers if they have anything on their mind and time for quiet reading. Performances galore throughout the year and every child gets the opportunity to take part in something. Hale Prep serves a very affluent area (12th most expensive place to live in the UK) and seems to attract parents through word of mouth so the school has no .....

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Since 2023, Ruth Vayro, who has been a school leader since 1997, including three headships. She is an inspector and educational consultant, having supported schools with leadership training for the past decade.


One form entry until Y3 then splits into two due to influx of new pupils, which allows for two classes with a maximum size of 18 pupils. Despite being resolutely non-selective, the school has an impressive success rate in securing places at a range of local grammar schools. It is, however, made clear to parents before starting that if they plan to move their children on to junior departments of local independent schools (such as Manchester Grammar), then Hale is not the place for them: they are encouraged to keep their children until end of year 6 where many responsibilities and leadership roles...

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Special Education Needs

The school does not have any statemented children. This is probably the result of the fact that all prospective parents are shown around the school on an individual visit allowing a judgement on the suitability of the school for their child. As a non selective school however, the school does have children with difficulties in specific areas. There is structured assistance for these children. Once a problem arises the subject teacher liaises with the special needs coordinator. The coordinator identifies the needs and organises extra help either individually or small groups, whichever is more appropriate. Progress is measured and recorded on a regular basis. Different approaches are used using a variety of resources, this on occasion might include individual education programs, aiming to eradicate weaknesses to consolidate and reinforce work completed in the classroom. At all times parents are kept fully informed. 10-09

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