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Knightsbridge School
  • Knightsbridge School
    67 Pont Street
    SW1X 0BD
  • Head: Mrs Shona Colaço
  • T 020 7590 9000
  • F 020 7589 9055
  • E [email protected]
  • W
  • An independent school for boys and girls aged from 3 to 16.
  • Boarding: No
  • Local authority: Kensington and Chelsea
  • Pupils: 415
  • Religion: Non-denominational
  • Fees: £28,873 - £32,366 pa (last updated on 21/01/2025)
  • Open days: Tours of the school are by appointment on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday mornings
  • Review: View The Good Schools Guide Review

What says..

KS is like a busy family home. No leaping to feet on the entrance of visitors, quite a lot of friendly chatter in lessons and corridors.  ‘We provide an atmosphere where students can be themselves and enjoy the process of learning and creating,’ says the school, and clearly it does. Though now offering an education to GCSE, KS started life as a prep school and the majority still move on at 11+ or 13+, with the school doing a very solid job of getting pupils into leading London day schools. GCSE years still petite (but growing), and pupils enjoy…

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What the school says...

Knightsbridge School (KS) offers a broad, balanced and challenging curriculum preparing both boys and girls for 8+,11+ and 13+ Common Entrance entry to public day and boarding schools. Pastoral Care: KS fosters a strong sense of community and welcomes parental involvement. It provides a warm, supportive environment where children flourish.
HEADS MOTTO: Keep It Simple, Keep Smiling through Adversity and Keep Striving

Outstanding Characteristics:
Keep Smiling is the school motto and KS stands for Keep Studying, Keep Striving, Keep Striding, Keep Sporty, Keep Scootering, Keep Singing and Keep It Simple!
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What The Good Schools Guide says


Principal since the school opened in 2006, Magoo Giles, known universally as Magoo (he was christened John, but his affectionate father felt he looked like the cartoon character Mr Magoo). From an army background, he had a peripatetic childhood including three years in the US, boarding at Summer Fields and Eton. Started his career in the Coldstream Guard, and spent two years as personal equerry to the late Queen (during her ‘annus horribilis’), then six as head of nearby prep Garden House (boys). After having children, he decided to launch his own school (‘my third child’). ‘I wanted it to provide a grounding that reflected my priorities as a parent.’ These are embodied in the school motto – Play Hard, Work Hard in the junior school, Work Hard, Play Hard in the senior school...

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Please note: Independent schools frequently offer IGCSEs or other qualifications alongside or as an alternative to GCSE. The DfE does not record performance data for these exams so independent school GCSE data is frequently misleading; parents should check the results with the schools.

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