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Saint Christinas School

What says..

Parents are firmly down to earth, not a whiff of glitz. Very few nannies or au pairs at the school gates. The children are modest, eloquent and courteous. Doors were held open and some older children unselfconsciously stood up as we entered. At every turn, we saw lively, inspiring teaching – all underpinned by kindness, exemplifying school values. Parents describe the teachers as ‘exceptional’ and ‘wise’. ‘They push enough without being pushy,’ said one...

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What the school says...

Saint Christina's School, London is a welcoming, nurturing and high performing independent school (IAPS) for girls and boys aged 3 to 11 years. At Saint Christina’s School, children enjoy the excitement of becoming independent learners, feel safe and happy.
We are committed to the pursuit of excellence in all areas, always recognising the individual needs of each pupil and supporting their full development spiritually, morally, intellectually, emotionally, physically and socially so that they may grow towards the fullness of life promised by Christ.
Each day brings exciting new opportunities to learn and discover at Saint Christina’s School. A warmth and regard for children in our care permeates all aspects of School life.
Saint Christina's School celebrates its 70th birthday in 2019, and as part of the schools celebrations recently completed a successful space launch!
The video of the launch and all the details can be found on their website at
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What The Good Schools Guide says


Since January 2025, Damien Walshe, who has been deputy head at Saint Michael Academy in New York and Saint Augustine’s Priory in London. He has also held leadership roles at Thomas’s Clapham and Brighton College Prep, Kensington. Born and raised in north London, he has a degree in theology and a PGCE from St Mary’s University. He has spent the bulk of his career in Catholic education – in both the state and independent sectors, and has taught theology, philosophy and RS across all age groups. Still teaches philosophy. Outside school, he enjoys cooking, playing guitar and piano and travelling.


Academically non-selective, although children are observed on a taster morning ‘to ensure a proper fit'. Gentle guidance towards alternatives if necessary. Main entry points at 3+ for nursery class of around 20, and at 4+...

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Special Education Needs

At Saint Christina’s School we aim to identify and foster each child’s natural aptitude. Through a system of consultations with the child, parent-teacher meetings and regular assessments, we monitor progress and celebrate achievements. When this monitoring and assessment identifies children experiencing difficulty in specific areas of the curriculum, we establish an individual support programme. Learning support may be in the form of small group support in class, or one-to-one or small group tuition with specialist learning support teachers. If there are ongoing concerns, we are willing to advise on further courses of action. Children may be referred to the appropriate professionals for further support and intervention, such as educational psychologists, speech and language therapists or occupational therapists.

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