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What the school says...

Traditional yet innovative, All Hallows is nestled in the heart of the Somerset countryside, mid-way between Bath, Frome and Bruton. With educationalist and child psychologist, Trevor Richards, at the helm, we are approaching education in a distinctive and creative way in the firm belief that academic achievement and the well-being of our young children go hand-in-hand. It is an approach that is producing outstanding results with over 65% of children in 2018 going on to their different senior schools, in the South West and across the UK, with a scholarship or an award.

Creativity, which runs throughout the curriculum, is in its broadest sense about being able to think critically when looking at a problem, researching ideas and developing solutions independently or collaboratively. As a consequence, pupils are very much celebrated for the milestones they reach along their educational journey as well as for who they are and for the contribution they make to our community.

Outstanding opportunities lie outside the classroom. Nowhere is this more true than through outdoor learning in our nine-acre Forest School which pays dividends not just in academic performance, by boosting pupils’ concentration levels and confidence, but also in bolstering well-being and giving a freedom to learn.
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Unusual sports

Equestrian centre or equestrian team - school has own equestrian centre or an equestrian team.


Special Education Needs

The All Hallows Learning Support Centre has an excellent reputation for the extent of its services, the individualised provision, and its effectiveness in helping children who need specialised academic support. Support is tailored to your child's needs, and may include one-to-one sessions and small groups as well as support in class. Support provided by our in-house staff is included in our fees. If a one-to-one personal learning support assistant is required full time, this would need to be funded by you but we work closely to help find the right person. The team have access to a wide range of health professionals and specialists including speech and language therapists, occupational therapists and counsellors who have often been linked with our Learning Support Unit for a number of years. Should the services of these outside professionals be required, then additional charges will apply and the team will be happy to advise. All Hallows is extremely fortunate to have an in-house educational psychologist as Deputy Head and Director of Learning, Dr Trevor Richards. His expertise pervades all aspects of learning at All Hallows and ensures a positive, relevant and evidence based learning environment for all. He also undertakes one-to-one and small group work with children as needed to promote children's learning, well-being and social emotional development.

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