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Music is big, with a popular choir, orchestra and a range of ensembles. Football, rugby (tag), cricket, rounders and netball are the main sports, with girls and boys taught together. Parents report a spirit of fair play. Teaching here is fun. In every class we visited, pupils seemed to be having a whale of a time and when we drew small groups aside they were chatty and articulate about what they were working on. Even as a year 5 class grappled with...

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What The Good Schools Guide says


Since September 2024, James Griffiths, previously deputy head.


Reception is main point of entry, though plenty arrive in later years. In fact, classes expand from single form entry to two form entry in year 4 and to three form entry in years 5 (‘when families often move schools due to the middle school system’) and 6 (‘when families become attracted by the school’s transition model’). Selective, but not massively. Pupils coming into reception do a language acquisition exercise (looking at pictures and answering questions), while those coming into years 1 and 2 do phonics and counting papers plus a play based activity. For years 3 and over, there are maths, English and VR tests. No nursery.

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