School data explained

What data is used?

The school data we publish comes from a number of government sources and, because of the effort involved in collecting and collating this information, is typically made available to us in the year after it is collected. We therefore refer to data by the year in which it was collected – this may not be the current year but it should be the latest available.


Overall school performance

GCSE (aged 14-16)

A level (aged 16-18)

Results by exam and subject

KS2 (aged 7-11)

GCSE (aged 14-16)

A level (aged 16-18)

Subject results

GCSE (aged 14-16)

Data comparison

A level (aged 16-18)

Data comparison


Where pupils come from and where they go to

Where a school has several main years of entry - such as year 7 for the main secondary entry and year 12 for entry to sixth form - you will see the school listed as receiving pupils from itself in the later years of entry.

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