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Broomwood Prep – Girls

What says..

Broomwood Prep - Girls gives each pupil not only an ‘academic toolkit’ but it also developes their independence and ability to navigate social situations with ease. Preparation is ‘incredibly bespoke’ ... Until recently, sport was possibly the weakest link, but things have changed. One full afternoon of sport, PE for an hour and a separate skills and drills session each week. A visit by an alien from Proxima Centauri was the highlight of …

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What the school says...

A warm, welcoming and family-oriented school that offers a fully rounded, stimulating and innovative education in a traditional setting. We give our pupils the skills and foundation they need to be successful in life - not just the next school.
We believe in helping children to do their best, to be their best and our results show that whether children leave us at 7, 11 or 13, they are confident and capable learners who move on to future success at their next schools. ...Read more

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All-through school (for example 3-18 years). - An all-through school covers junior and senior education. It may start at 3 or 4, or later, and continue through to 16 or 18. Some all-through schools set exams at 11 or 13 that pupils must pass to move on.

What The Good Schools Guide says


Since 2021, Louisa McCafferty. Grew up locally and, during her gap year, worked as a teaching assistant at what was then Broomwood Hall. Studied classical civilisation at university, completed a PGCE and returned to the school for four years after which a sabbatical abroad turned into a more extended overseas experience. She worked in Australia and then taught in Dubai (where she met her husband, now head of another London prep school) before a stint in Shanghai. In 2014, she returned to familiar territory: south-west London (to live) and Broomwood (to work). Rising through the ranks she was the obvious candidate for the top job when the opportunity arose. She feels her biggest challenge is to juggle the hands-on element of the job (‘the best bit’) with the paperwork and strategy (less exciting, but...

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Special Education Needs

The school can provide support for children with mild learning difficulties. There is provision for extra classes targetted at children with minor developmental difficulties. The school has its own SEN specialist who will advise on the most appropriate form of support within the classroom as well as taking pupils out for individual lessons.

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