If you are wrestling with deciding between more than two offers from private schools and could do with talking this through with an independent and objective expert, then our School Choice Service could be what you're looking for.
So how does the consultancy work?
Our consultants, all parents themselves, not only understand the situation you find yourself in but know the schools and can give you extra insight helping you to make the choice. You will have the opportunity to meet, via zoom, an expert consultant who will talk you through the pros and cons of each of your options and relate them to information you tell us about your child. The consultant you are matched with will have been hand picked by our administrative team to make sure they have the knowledge and experience your particular circumstances require. The meeting can last up to 75 minutes.
£390 for up to 75 minutes (inclusive of VAT)
Call: 0800 368 7694 (UK) +44 203 286 6824 (from overseas)
Email: consultants@goodschoolsguide.co.uk
Please note we are not agents. You do not need an agent to gain a place at a UK school.